Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Model Penal Code Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Model Penal Code Questions - Assignment Example Here, Joe’s conduct does not satisfy any of the two conditions. First, a substantial step in this case might involve gathering a significant number of materials that ought to be present in committing arson which is hugely deficient in this case. This is because both the gasoline and the book on â€Å"prosecution and defense of arson case† fail miserably to satisfy this condition. This is because Joe can argue that the gasoline is for his car that he normally carries, not to mention the fact that we are not even told that it had gasoline in it which further weakens the prosecution case for arson against Joe. He can also argue that the book was in his car for purposes of a case he is handling in arson and not necessarily meant to prepare him in advance of how to handle the consequences that will follow in case he make good his threat. Second, the activities revolving this whole scenario are not â€Å"strongly corroborative† of the proposition that he intended to bu rn down the firm. This is because as much as his wife and the colleague who overheard him issuing threat to the effect that he was going to ‘torch ‘the firm premises might testify to show intention, that in itself cannot be taken on face value if there is no more acts to corroborate. His going there at night cannot also be used against him because he can comfortably claim that it was part of his winding up that was expected of him as he prepared to quit in two months time. 2. A. The charge of perjury will only be entertained if only the woman can corroborate the allegation of falsehood on the side of his ex-husband. Otherwise it would not be possible to convince the trial judge that indeed the ex-husband lied if he is to get a perjury conviction against her husband. B. The question that we need to belabor in this case concerns the materiality, or lack of it, of this case. This is because a falsehood that does not meet the ‘material’ element cannot sustain a perjury conviction. This is because despite having a prior felony record nowhere does this state insinuate that he is likely to be inclined to either side in his testimony. This therefore shows that the false testimony does not affect the credibility of Franklin’s evidence as a witness and therefore not material, and therefore unable to sustain a perjury conviction against him. C. Once again, we are supposed to establish the materiality of the false testimony in the trial. First, the arresting officer’s racial bias has nothing to do with the crime that the Mexican faces unless it can be proved that he arrested the Mexican as an extension of his racial bias. Second, the racial bias against the Mexican will have no material element if it can be proved that indeed the Mexican committed whatever crime he is accused of committing. 3. Both Al and Gus can be charged with attempted armed robbery. This is because Gus uses a ‘deadly weapon’ to intimidate cashier int o surrendering money. It does not matter whether he was using a toy pistol to intimidate the cashier, all what matter is the fact that he made the cashier believe that he was in great danger of being shot if he did not agreed to surrender the money. Gus on the other hand would also face charges of attempted armed r

Monday, October 28, 2019

Philosophical Analysis Essay Example for Free

Philosophical Analysis Essay â€Å"In the case of an ordinary illusion of the senses we often say: This object seems thus or so; but in reality it is thus (but) the seeming is opposed to the reality only in so far as the chance experience of one point of view gets contrasted with what would be, or might be, experienced from some larger, more rationally permanent, or more exclusive and uniting point of view. † Truth is the embodiment of reality; reality is the embodiment of experience. Yet, truth and reality are problematic concepts. Reality, when expressed in categorical terms, is in itself manifest-creating concept; that is, there is no clearly defined boundary of finding the essence of entities. In short, an attempt to define reality will result to more questions. An attempt to examine the source or basis of reality will inevitably result to ambiguity. What is the implication of this fact to truth? Truth also becomes a manifest-creating concept. Its basis is, from a vantage point, a derivation of reality (Kant, 1786/1926). Here, there is a need to mention two bases of truth and reality. For some philosophers, reality and truth are generally derived from sense experience. Aristotle once argued that the fundamental basis of reality is actual reference to existing objects. Here, reality is objective; truth is absolute. For other philosophers, rationality rather than sense experience is the formal basis of reality. Descartes, for example, argued that sense experiences often result to disconcerting assumptions of what is real and ought to be real (Descartes, 1637/1999). An example may suffice this point. Suppose an individual sees an oar in the water. From sense experience, the individual will interpret the phenomenon as genuine phenomenon. However, the individual perception of what is real is compounded by illusory assumption of what ought to be real. Descartes argued that the oar in the water, when rationality is used as means to discern truth, is a reflection of an actual oar. 2) â€Å"The best definition of truth from a logical standpoint is that which is fated to be ultimately accepted by all investigators (and not something to be identified with) some purely personal end, some profit upon which a particular individual has set his heart. † For many centuries, philosophers pondered on the best definition of truth. Perhaps, the most influential philosopher who developed a systematic approach in analyzing the nature of truth is Immanuel Kant. According to Kant, truth in categorical definition is a derivation of collective facts (Kant, 1786/1926). Kant argued that when a set of facts are accepted to be truth by rational individuals, then it is by definition, part of truth. Subsequent philosophers such as Whitehead and Russell expounded on the concept of truth. According to these philosophers, there exists a set of truths which in character is both relative and self-sufficient. Truth is relative because the discretion of a group of rational individuals is also relative. It is self-sufficient because its consequence is self-compelling. When presented to different individuals, a truth compels the individual to believe and accept it as true. What is the general consequence of these assumptions of truth? In essence, such assumptions reject the notion of absolute truth. Absolute truth defines an epistemological basis of reality; that is, reality bounded not by the laws of nature, but by the law of necessity. One can refer to this reality as Being, Divine entity, or God. However, absolute truth is not necessarily a definitive clause of a Divine entity. Absolute truth is assumed by some philosophers to be manifested in quintessential entities; entities which are purported to exist in reality. It may be argued that this interpretation of reality may be a personalistic interpretation of ends. In any case, it is possible to prove this assumption. References Descartes, Rene. 1637/1999. Discourse on the Method. London: London Publishing House. Kant, Immanuel. 1786/1926. The Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gullivers Travels :: essays research papers

â€Å"GULLIVER’S TRAVELS† a Satire Jonathan Swift, an Anglo-Irish writer, was born in Dublin on the 30th October 1667. he was one of the greatest satirists of the universal literature. His pamphlets have a stinging sarcasm through which he accused moral-political vices or religious ones (ex. â€Å"A Tale of a Tub†, †A Meditation upon a Broomstick†) or pamphlets which defend the Irish cause (â€Å"The Drapiers Letters†). His fame was brought by â€Å"GULLIVER’S TRAVELS†. This is a realistic parody of social dynamic, remarkable for the greatness of its metaphors, consciousness of vision and its style. GULLIVER’S TRAVELS is a satire in four parts as the author himself called it. In the first pages of the book we are told that Gulliver began his voyages as a ship surgeon and afterwards as captain of other ships. The four parts of the book represent four voyages: A Voyage to Lilliput; A Voyage to Brobdingnag; A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan and A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms. Each of them represents a different type of society and in each of them the object of the author’s irony is different. The first trip satirises the moral and spiritual pettiness of humanity, revealing to the reader the foolish reasons for starting a war between two countries that were once good friends; the absurd rules of society. This six-inch tall people of Book I reveal themselves to be as small morally as they are physically. The revelation of their pettiness comes gradually to the reader. Gulliver’s hosts gossip meanly about each other; they fight over such trivial things as which end of an egg should be broken first; and their king is angry when Gulliver refuses to help him bring a neighbour country into slavery. In this book, number I, we encounter satire on travel books and travellers. Swift is mainly protesting against the ridiculous travellers who report absolutely everything about his trip. Book II â€Å"A Voyage to Brobdingnag† is a satire on the wickedness and vanity of mankind. Gulliver, just recently big in a land of little people, is now little in a land of giants. Although it might be too much to say that in this way Swift prepared the reader to expect that Gulliver won’t live very well in this country, judged by the moral norms of big people; but that is in fact what happens. When the judgement is made, it appears that Gulliver’s race is one of â€Å"little odious vermin†.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Spirituality & Story

While growing up in an environment that was more conducive to pain and suffering than to enjoying life it was easier to challenge believers to show me God then to actually see Him around me. I’d say, â€Å"close your Bible and prove to me God exists. †I always received one of three responses. Usually, I would get a bewildered stare. The second response was for me to just look around because God was all about me. Finally, the believer might tell me that God moves in mysterious ways. I truly hated this final response.If I had been born two-thousand years ago, I would have persecuted and thrown stones at Christians. As suggested I would look around, and I could not have faith or believe in a God that allowed so much pain and suffering to exist in the world.I would hear people say after surviving some great tragedy, or natural disaster, or loss of life that God was watching after them. My question was, â€Å"where was God when the hurricane was blowing your house away? â⠂¬  It didn’t make sense that God would be with one person but not their neighbor who drowned in the storm.Epicuras’ question concerning God and evil seemed legitimate: â€Å"Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then is he malevolent? He is both able and willing? Whence then is evil. † (163) Of course this delves into the freewill/theodicy argument. Within the Christian tradition people are free to make their own choices. And there are negative or positive consequences associated with freewill. Just as there are negative and positive consequences associated with rejecting or accepting Christ.During a particularly despondent time in my life, a friend offered me a Bible, some rather persuasive advice, and a pastor’s phone number. She said Christ would help me, but I needed to ask him into my life and for him to help me. So I began reading the Bible, and I called the pastor. If I asked a question, he answered it knowledgably.And I began praying. Gradually my mood and outlook on life did change. God is everywhere, but he first has to live in the heart. Works Cited Pojman, Louis. â€Å"THE PROBLEM OF EVIL. † Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1994. 163.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

National Parks of |Ethiopia

It is the oldest and most develode wildlife reserve in Ethiopia. It is even easy to access, situated 210kms (130miles) east of Addis Ababa. Awash national park occupies about 830 square kilometers (320sq. miles) of dry savannah in the middle of the rift valley. This hot, arid terrain climbs up to 1,000masl, with the exception of the peak of Fentale volcano, which reaches 2,007masl. The parks name comes from the longest river in Ethiopia: the Awash. It marks the southern boundary of the park by means of a deep gorge, then turns north where it reaches the inhospitable Danakil region.In the park’s interior, the river forms a waterfall underneath which it is possible to walk and enjoy the exceptional view of a great numbers and variety of birds. The park’s habitat features an odd riverine forest and interesting volcanic terrain. The impressive 3. 5km crater presents a vision of hell, surrounded by remains of lava from the last eruption in 1820. The harar road cuts the park in to two. Hot springs are accessible by road in the northern part of the park. Warm, turquoise waters with a temperature of 360c offer a delightful swim.Among the park’s sparse vegetation, the palm oil trees stand out. They are highly valued by the Afar people who live in the surrounding area, because edible oil is obtained from its fruit. Not far from the main roads, one can see soemmering’s Gazelles & even the pale beisa oryx, with straight horns capable of spearing a lion. These animals have adapted to the high temperatures and scarcity of water by developing a physiological mechanism that allows them to increase their interior temperature. Instead of perspiring, they lose heat through radiation.There are also other mammals inhabited in the national park like: greater kuhdu, lesser kudu, dik dik, warthogs, Anubis baboon, hamadryas baboon, black & white colobus monkey, vervet monkey and many more. It is not easy to spot predators, but in the park there are lions, le opards, cheetahs, striped and spotted hyenas, golden and black-backed jackals, servals and wild cats. The spotted hyenas, the largest in the family, reach a height of between 65 and 90cm. they have a wide head, short bristly hair, hind quarters lower than the front quarters, and a long, powerful neck. Their coats are grey or yellow with black patches.About 400 species of birds have been counted, including some endemic species such as the banded barbet, the golden backed woodpecker, the thick billed raven and the wattled ibis. SIMIEN MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK It is registered as a world heritage site by UNESCO, located in the Simien Mountain, it occupies a surface area of 180km2. Simien means â€Å"NORTH† in Amharic, an allusion to the position it occupies in the Gondar massif, one of the craggiest in Africa. The park is interesting because of the uniqueness of its endemic animals, the beauty of its flora, and the majesty of its impressive landscape.The park, situated between 4,6 20 and 1,900masl, boasts varied flora with three marked botanical areas. The highest parts have meadows with little vegetation, characteristic of afro alpine zones. Here one can find the endemic lobelia rhynchopetalum, small groups of perpetual flowers, helichrysum, and the striking kniphofia foliosa. Of particular botanical interest is the Afrovivella semiensis, a small fleshy plant with pink flowers in the shape of little bells. This plant has been found only in the Simien Mountains and nowhere else on earth.There is only one species within its genus. In the park, there are three most colorful endemic mammals in Ethiopia: the walia ibex which lives wild at an altitude of more than 2,500masl, the gelada baboonwhich inhabits the simian plateax, and the Ethiopian wolf which is also found in great numbers in the Bale mountain national park. In the park, approximately 50 different bird species have been identified, among them a great many scavengers and birds of prey. Birds migrating f rom Europe and all over Africa also can be seen here.One of the most striking birds is the large and powerful lammergeyer or bearded vulture. It is a scavenger, often seen on the north face of the park. This bird nests on inaccessible shelves and in hollows on great walls of rock. Unlike other vultures, its head is completely covered in feathers. Underneath its beak, it has a streak of stiff bristles, which accounts for its nick name â€Å"bearded vulture†. Its wingspan can reach up to 250cm. the lammergeyer feeds on animal remains stripped of meat by other vultures. It takes the bones, drops them from a great height, and eats the marrow.Bones and marrow comprise 85%of its diet. There are also other birds of prey in the park: buzzard, Egyptian vulture, Ruppel’s griffon vultures, eagles, falcons and ravens. Endemic bird species such as the spot-breasted plover, the white-billed starling and the black-headed siskin are easy to spot in the national park during rainy seaso n, as they search for food over the cultivated land of the high plateau. Even if there is a rare chance to see, one can also possibly spot the black-headed forest orioles & golden-backed woodpeckers in the valley. YANGUDI-RASSA NATIONAL PARKDespite the difficulties of getting this place, the Yangudi-rassa national park is worth visiting. It is the last refuge of the extremely rare and almost extinct African wild Ass. Found 500kms northeast of the Addis Ababa, the habitat is 4,371km2of semi desert with vegetation consisting of acacia trees, fleshy grass and scrub. The park protects against the dangers threatening the wild donkey: Somalis and Ethiopian who hunt them for food and medicine, depredation by hyenas, competition with cattle for scarce water, and cross-breeding with domestic donkeys.The sub-species living in Ethiopia, the equus africanus somalicus(YEDUR AHIYA), is down to only a few hundred heads, surviving in a completely wild state. These asses posses excellent climbing ab ilities and usually inhabit rocky, uneven places. This ability differentiates them from their brother, the domestic donkey. BALE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK Although the access route is difficult to traverse, the Bale Mountains are worth visiting because they contain the richest flora & fauna of the alpine habitat in all of Ethiopia. The park occupies a surface area of 2,470km2 and includes altitudes from 1,500 up to 4,400masl.This provides a unique diversity of landscape, vegetation and fauna. The park is divided by the Harenna cliff, which runs through it like a fracture from east to west, creating three clearly differentiated areas within the reserve. The northern part is known as Geyessey, named after a small river that crosses it & flows in to the WEYB River near the settlement of Dinsho. The central part, just above the cliff, is the sennete plateau which rises to more than 4,000masl. The southern part, below the cliff, is a densely forested area known as the Harenna forest.From th ere, the land continues to drop until it reaches the lowlands. In the northern part, geysey area, and around Dinsho, a large variety of animals can be seen. The vegetation consists of grassy ground, riverside plains, trees and bushes. In the hills, between 2,500 and 3,300m, there are meadows and plentiful hygenia abyssinica and juniperous procera trees. Geraniums, lobelias and Allchemilas species create colourful carpets interrupted by thickets of Artemisia afra, kniphofia foliosa flowers and the wild roses of the Rose abyssinica.This part of the park is the best place to see the endemic mountain Nyala, which is a large antelope the size of a Kudu. In the area surrounding Dinsho, one can find the endemic Menelik’s bushbuck. The bushbuck prefers plains and mountains up to 4,000m and feeds mainly on leaves, shoots and fruit. It is a natural swimmer. As it is a solitary creature, Menelik’s bushbuck is rarely found in pairs, except for couples in the mating season or a fem ale with her offspring. In the second part of the park, the senate plateau, just above the harenna cliff at a height of 4,000m.It was formed by ancient volcanic rocks. It can be reached by the road connecting Goba to Dolomena, which crosses the eastern part of the park. This road has views of some of the most wonderful natural scenery in the world. Rivers and streams cut gorges across the plateau, form waterfalls in some places and craggy crests rise above the plateau. The most outstanding peak is the second tallest in Ethiopia, TULLU DIMTU (The red mountain) at 4,477meter. Mount Batu, at 4,300m, is also impressive. The shallow depressions of the plateau fill up with water during the rainy season, forming small lakes.A few large lakes contain water year round, including Garba Buracha (Black Water) and Hora Bachay, which create unique places to observe migratory birds from Europe, that are avoiding the western winter. The plateau of volcanic rock is covered with emerald green moorlan d and a host of lichens. The area’s afroalpine vegetation is displayed in the numerous giant Lobelias and the everlastings represented by different species, among them H. splendidum with its yellow flowers and the thorny H. citrispinum. This area is the best place to see the endemic and rare Ethiopian wolf.This mammal can only be found in the high altitude prairies of the Bale and Simien massifs. Its reddish coat is similar to the European Red Fox, but its shape is between a wolf and a jackal. It has long legs, a sharp snout, and a very thick black and white tail. The male and female are identical. Its preferred prey is the endemic giant molerat, a large, brown, round-bodied rodent. The last part of the park is located to the south, where the land gradually falls away and a belt of heath land gives away to a densely wooded forest, known as the HARENNA FOREST.Depending the altitude, different species of trees appear in the forests, from Podocarpus, Hagenias, Juniperous, Scheff lera and Bamboos, all with bark decorated by the lichens and mosses. In the forest, it is difficult to spot animals but several types of pig have been seen, such as Warthogs, Bushh pigs and Giant Forest hogs. In the Harenna forest, Black & White colobus monkeys jump from tree to tree. Anubis baboons are most common, found in Adeley, Geysey and Harenna forests. Groups of them have been seen at altitudes above 3,700meters.Vervet monkeys live at an altitude below 3,000meter. More than 200 bird species have been counted, of which at least 15 are endemic. Among the rocky highlands of Bale, the spectacular lammergeyer, one can often find the thick-billed raven feasting on the lammergeyer’s leftovers. It is also possible to spot different birds of prey such as Falcons, Eagles, kites, Vultures and Ravens. The best season to visit the park is the dry season, from November to January when there are abundant clear days. The temperature can reach up to 300C during the morning and drop to -70C at night.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Advanced writers for students

Advanced writers for students Advanced writers Skilled, talented and advanced writers are the real godsend for every custom writing service. We keep this in mind, and that is why we strive to employ only experienced and scrupulous academic writers with all the required qualities to provide students with the best academic papers. GRADE Excellence Values Our team of professionals performs its work in accordance with GRADE excellence values. These include: Growth Reliability Authenticity Diversity Excellence When we hire authors, we offer each candidate to pass several tests. The first test is designed to check candidate’s English proficiency, and this one lasts 4 hours. The second test is designed to evaluate writer’s conversance about different citation styles. If the applicant completes these two assignments successfully, he/she has to submit a writing that is scrupulously checked and evaluated in terms of grammar, punctuation, language, writing style, readability and intelligibility. When the candidate performs all the assignments, he or she is offered to become an advance writer of our team. In our staff we have writers from various countries, so some of them are native English speakers, and others have English as their second language. We believe that such a variety is a profit, as we often receive different orders from numerous countries and the manifold of authors guarantees that each customers can get the author who meets all the requirements of his academic assignment, and moreover, his geographical background. Such a part of our GRADE excellence values as Growth is a feature that differs our writers from the ones from other custom writing companies. We promote professional growth of our advance writers by offering a 3-month Mentorship Training Program. During this program, the members of our team learn various tips of academic writing, relations with customers and professional growth. As a result of participation in this program, they raise their levels of expertise and workmanship. It is very important for us that each point of our company matches the GRADE excellence values. Therefore, we use random check-ups of authors’ work as an evaluating tool. Once in two weeks each author of our custom writing company goes through the process of evaluation: three random pages from his or her papers written during the previous two weeks are checked by editors. Then a personal list of recommendations, based on editors’ comments, is written for that writer. If it is found that the quality of these works is lower than it was expected to be, we take necessary measures. How It Goes with OurAdvanced Writers Once a request from a client is received, we start searching for the most appropriate writer for a certain college essay. Our system of writers’ selection is based on research and skills, using various algorithms to choose the best match. These algorithms use such criteria as writer’s current rating, background, skills and workload. If the customer, who orders a research proposal, wants to check whether the writer is able to complete his/her order, he/she is offered to look through threes of writer’s works for an additional fee of $5. Having theses, the client is able to determine author’s compatibility with the order personally. Our academic writing service offers many other useful options for customers. If you have any questions, suggestions or face problems with our website, you can always turn to the support team which is available round-the-clock. Use our services once and you will be back to get academic papers of exceptional quality. We care about our reputation and our customers’ future career that is why we always provide only high-quality papers. Our Proficient Advance Writers Offer Their Help Are you searching for a talented writer, who could assist you with completing some of your assignments? Search no more! Our great service can provide you with the top-notch quality assistance and support. To maintain the status of the best writing provider we have hired the advance writers with many years of writing experience, who can create brilliant papers from scratch. They specialize in various subjects and disciplines. No matter how complex your topic is, we will assign the most knowledgeable specialist, who can cope with your topic rather effortlessly. All our writers are very responsible, and they guarantee the unique content, perfect formatting, and following all grammar rules. Only after the thorough understanding of client`s requirements, the writer starts the process of creating a masterpiece. In particular, he/she conducts an in-depth research on your topic, brainstorms, and only then he/she writes a paper that can impress the most demanding professor. Smart Students Choose! Undoubtedly, a smart student does not want to spend much money on the writing services. We assure you that the cooperation with our custom essay writing company will not hit your pocket. We offer reasonable prices for the incredible quality papers. Our pricing policy is fair and transparent, and it makes the students from different countries choose us as their writing provider. If you place the order right now, you will get an attractive discount! The more time you waste, the more time you lose on the stress and worrying about a problem, that is not a serious problem in fact. Just let us help you get rid of that burden and deliver a high-quality paper. You will be impressed by our attitude to work! Getting the Best Grades for Your Papers Is Not a Problem Anymore! Below you will find a few feedbacks from our customers, who relied on our writing team and did not regret their decision: â€Å"I was so nervous ordering the paper at. I was concerned about plagiarism, about the content, and about my privacy. However, these guys did a miracle. They wrote a unique paper that has brought me the A grade. My professor said that this paper could serve as the example for others. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!† â€Å"What a great paper! I got A!† â€Å"I always hesitated whether the custom essay writing services are worth attention. I had a lot of assignments to do and I could not find the time to cope with all of them. So I decided to hire the advance writers at. I should admit that it was the smartest decision in all my academic career.† Authentic Papers Only Purchasing a paper at, you get a unique paper written from scratch according to your instructions. We scrupulously check every paper for plagiarism on several different checkers so that our customers could be sure that their papers are totally original. If you have some doubts or hesitations, we can provide you with a free plagiarism report. We guarantee that if the writer uses some source, he/she will mention this source in the reference list and cite it properly in accordance with the formatting style required. Apart from excellent writing, we guarantee professional editing services. It means that once the paper is written, it will be checked by the skilled editor, who will proofread it. Our Approach to Work Is Customer-Oriented Our customers choose us again and again since, unlike other writing agencies, we keep our word. Check out more benefits: Excellent Price and Quality Relationship. It does not mean that we sell ridiculously cheap papers of low quality. It means that our prices for such top-notch services are quite reasonable. Moreover, there are no hidden charges. Only the complexity of the order, the deadline, and the length required define the overall price for the order. Exemplary Quality. Regardless of the topic or discipline, we guarantee excellent quality of every paper ordered from us. Indeed, this guarantee is the main reason why we have so many grateful customers. Almost all their papers got the A and A+ grades since the ideas were presented clearly and the content was creative. The Total Confidence. We assure you that the fact of our cooperation will be totally confidential. No third parties will get your personal information. More Reasons to Choose You get a well-structured paper; Your paper is unique and authentic; The style of writing is clear and coherent; The paper meets all academic standards; The writer conducts an in-depth research. So what are you waiting for? Hire our advance writers and get a perfectly written paper. We will help you achieve the remarkable academic results!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pesticides And Their Harmful Affects Essays - Biocides, Free Essays

Pesticides And Their Harmful Affects Essays - Biocides, Free Essays Pesticides And Their Harmful Affects There are many important issues in the world regarding the environment and it's affects on the average person. Though, the one that hits closest to home, worldwide, is the trust that individuals have in the food that they consume. Yet pesticides are still found daily in foods all around the world. Pesticides are toxins that are used by produce growers universally to control pests that can destroy crops. These toxins are being ingested by humans in the forms of fruits and vegetables that have remaining toxins on them. How safe are these toxins to humans and what is being done to safeguard the environment as well as the health of individuals? Does the average person consume harmful amounts of poison at every meal? If the levels are unsafe, why is this problem continuing to get a blind eye from the people who are supposed to protect society? These questions when asked only lead to more questions. Until things are done to change the systems of pesticide usage universally, society can nev er be sure as to the long term effects on our environment and what they are eating or giving to the future of our world, the children. In some foreign countries pesticides are used more frequently with legislative control than in the United States. In Mexico and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States and Europe have banned, wind up being used on a majority of their produce crops. The largest problem with this is that Europe and the United States import from South America for produce all of the time. What good does it do to ban harmful agricultural chemicals to be used on domestically grown crops if crops in other countries are grown with these same harmful chemicals, and are then allowed to be imported? Mexico and South America are the leading suppliers of produce for the earth's population because their climate is very conducive to year around crops. Unfortunately those countries are also known for their large amount of insects of all varieties. These insects are steadily becoming more and more immune to toxins that are sprayed on crops. More than five hundred insects, one hundred and fifty plant diseases and two hundred and seventy weeds are now resistant to pesticides. Results are that U.S. growers as well, are steadily forced to apply more and stronger toxins. As the amount and the strength of the toxin increases, the immunity of the targeted insects to these toxins also increases. Total U.S. crop losses from insect damage has nearly doubled since 1945. Insecticide use during this same time has increased tenfold. This war will go on being waged until the game plan is changed. The produce export trade in some cities and countries constitutes the majority of their economy and they will protect the resulting income at all costs. These places have very little legislation to control chemical usage, and follow up on almost none of i ts effects. Officials do not care how it affects consumers, being adults or children. Even their own agricultural worker's health is of no concern. These officials only care about producing crops and exporting them with as little overhead as possible. The bottom line is, always has been, and always will be money. In Villa Juarez, Mexico, many children who work in the produce fields are coming down with mysterious illnesses and some people in this region put the blame directly on those children's contact with the chemical acephate and other pesticides that are used in that area. The use of acephate is illegal in the United States, but is perfectly legal in Mexico. Doctors in Juarez are treating unusually high amounts of cancer and also fifty to eighty cases of chemical poisoning per week in their agricultural workers. This continues to happen because the government and the growers do not take these illnesses seriously; the workers are expendable. Growers in Culcan Valley, Mexico use chemicals to increase production of produce sold in the U.S. every winter. Unfortunately, studies that were preformed by the Government Accounting office in Mexico showed that at least six pesticides that are illegal in the U.S. were still on the produce when it was

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Becoming Your Characters

Becoming Your Characters Becoming Your Characters Becoming Your Characters By Michael It sounds like you, said my friend, the playwright, when I asked him about the script I had given him. Coming from a successful writer, it wasnt a compliment. If all the characters in your novel sound like you, maybe you should forget about the novel and write an autobiographical monologue instead. Youll find, if you listen to them, that your characters want to be free. They want to be individuals. Just like your children, they dont want to be exactly like you. And, just like your children, they shouldnt be. Many fiction writers approach their work as an actor does his. When they are writing about a character, they become that character. Actors call it Method acting, based on the methods of Russian director Konstantin Stanislavsky. Method acting was a reaction to the nineteenth century tradition of making rhetorical gestures that were supposed to represent every human emotion. Writers can fall into a similar trap, where their characters act in clichà ©d manners, always weeping when they are sad, always chuckling when they are happy. (My characters are always smiling.) The key to Method writing is to understand the character, then let the character live. When you know, even subconsciously, what the character is like, you will instinctively know what the character is going to do or say. Some authors, like some actors, write out elaborate biographies for every major character before they begin. For others, such pre-planning would hurt their creative process. Indeed, as you write, even well-researched characters usually end up surprising you, as you realize that they arent exactly who you thought they were. This may sound more mystical than it needs to. Im not advocating a voodoo-like possession, where your characters take over your life. But a sensitive writer knows when an action or a statement rings true to that character or not. Of course, if youre not discreet as you work, people will look at you funny. One daughter of a famous nineteenth century novelist recalled how he would write his dialog out loud, playing each character in turn in fine theatrical style. After receiving that mild rebuke from my friend the playwright, I found myself working on dialog as I walked to work along a certain downtown street. I wasnt the only person on that street talking to himself. Later I discovered that just around the corner was a shelter that catered to the homeless mentally ill. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionTypes of Plots

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Bearing all that in mind a detailed look at how and why EU social policy was developed will be examined and its development to prevent social dumping is also examined. Brown contends that â€Å"national and supranational policies of social protection and labor market regulation are appropriate for a deepening and widening the European Union and explores good and bad ideas for the Social Chapter†. (2004 p 19) Brown also states that the success of the national social policy is prejudiced by the degree of economic integration. (2004 p 10) This means that deeper EU mixing and incorporation will put emphasis on the stress for social policy reform and synchronization. However, the most policy-makers should strive for is minimum standards acceptable to all countries.† (Brown 2004 p 11) To examine the issues surrounding the policy in respect to social dumping it is important to understand the necessary push of economic integration in its numerous forms. These include trade liberalization to enhanced labor and capital mobility. Brown 1004 p 11) These can be can be better understood by putting them in the context of the premise that they are by and large desirable, yet it usually has â€Å"adverse consequences for relatively inefficient producers.† Brown. This is because relations and communication between social policy and economic integration become particularly obvious whenever it is the poorer members of EU countries who lose out. (Brown)In instances such as this integration is likely to lead to demands for greater social protection. The usefulness of national social policy is affected by the amount of economic mixing as well. In this instance organization and synchronization may possibly be essential. Especially if such policies are to be successful and have any value. If this is the scenario governments may possibly use them advantageously. Governments could use them strategically to benefit their own citizens at the expense of foreigners. Brown 2004 p 11) Examples of how this could be done include presenting less regulation and lower social protection. This would encourage inflows of capital, that would otherwise be known as 'social dumping'. The problem that can arise when this occurs is that if left unrestricted lower levels of social protection all round will result. Although to the degree that current national social policies in Europe are" ill-designed or fail to protect the most disadvantaged members of society, this could be a positive outcome." (Brown 2004 p 12) If anything has been learned from past EU integration it would be that the amplification of this, including the poorer Mediterranean countries and Ireland would be the result. In addition, realization of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The use of videos in FL teaching and learning Assignment

The use of videos in FL teaching and learning - Assignment Example The paper provides the possible constraints of using the method to facilitate teaching and learning and the paper also provides the assessment of the use f the method in teaching. The paper concludes with recommendations and summarization of the main points discussed in the paper. Video refers to anything that relates to or the use transmitted images or the whole process or receiving images through a television or a computer. A video can involve images which are normally displayed on television sets or n computers. Videos can be exploited in various ways in order to make sure that there is creation of motivation, memorable instance and involvement of all the learners. On the other side, watching a video can sometimes be passive and therefore, other teaching methods should be used together with the use of video in the teaching and learning of a foreign language (Brian 2008 p. 77-79). Before any teacher uses the video in class, it is important for him or her to check it or go through i t to make sure that it only contains the relevant materials to be taught in class. Such a teacher should also compare his or her lesson plans from other institutions which use videos in the teaching and learning of a foreign language to make sure that it is effective and how such a lesson plan can be improved. The teacher should also make sure that the chosen video demonstrates the specific topic that it was meant for. With so doing, the teaching and learning of a foreign language through the use of a video can be effective and the same time successful (Hadley 1993 p. 16-21). Benefits of using Videos The use of video materials in the classroom environment can give a big favor to the learners through providing them with motivation to learn the foreign language. The learners are motivated to learn the foreign language since they are presented the real language and this provides the learners with a positive look and perception at the culture. Video clips give a representation of the au thentic environment of the foreign culture and also provides the learners with practical examples of how the foreign language operates and functions. The use of video clips presents the learners with authentic language interaction and also it shows both the verbal and nonverbal components of the language. In the non verbal components of the language, the videos materials provide the eye movements and facial expressions, body language, and space language of the native speakers of the language (Joseph 1999 p. 206- 209). One of the benefits of using videos in the teaching and learning of foreign language is that it creates experience in learners. With creating the experience, the video clips provide sensory experience which makes the ideas and the concepts in the video to be like real life experiences thus guiding the learners in the adventure. The other benefit of using video is that it turns a classroom to an interactive place throughout the learning process. This makes all the learn ers to enjoy the learning session and at the same time retain most f the information and knowledge they get from the videos. The other benefit is that the use of video in the teaching and learning complements traditional approaches which are used in the learning process. Effective use of the videos connects the knowledge already with the learners with the learning objectives contained in

New Small Business Competes With Google, Bing and Yahoo Essay

New Small Business Competes With Google, Bing and Yahoo - Essay Example Gabriel Weinberg has established a mechanized that maximizes on the needs of its users, unlike the other search engines. A vast majority of search engines comprise of numerous ads that surround relevant pages, and personalized tracking. Gabriel Weinberg way was different from other search engines. He sought out to address the concerns of consumers that had queries while using these search engines. Gabriel Weinberg’s search engine proves to be a long time competitor to Google and other search engine. There is factual information to back this reasoning. Currently European and U.S officials have already begun criticizing practices that are considered to be monopolistic in nature. Google and other bigger search have been considered to be selective with regards to their star results. These are considered to favor some businesses and elbow out competitors. Additionally Gabriel Weinberg venture maintains that it will not track its users. A combination of these factors sheds light to the future. It is evident that this search engine will last and still be a long term foe to bigger search engines. As of late, the future holds good tidings for Gabriel Weinberg search engine over established ones. One major fact stands; it is a major threat to bigger search engines. Should Google not review their systems, facts prove that they may not be in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing in Practice - Essay Example Research was done that indicated the student’s use of the online digital library and the data collected showed that many students are not actually using the services of the library and this impairs reaching the objectives of the plan. This report thus gives an in-depth account of social marketing theory and the related secondary materials that were used to understand the situation of the Birmingham library. With reference to this, appropriate objective and recommendation are given in this report to ensure that the students adopt the new provision as expected by the university; it is to be achieved using social marketing for behaviour change (Weinreich 2011, p.45). Action plan for the implementation of the recommendation is also given as well as the controls of the same program in Birmingham library. Introduction The tradition and role of social marketing is to ensure that marketing is applied together with other concepts and techniques that will culminate into the social good of the targeted group of people (Alder 2010, p.24). The difference between social marketing and commercial marketing should thus be palpable, in social marketing; the driving agenda is not finances as the case with commercial marketing, they tend skew their interest to pursue social good (Pintado, 2007: p. 32). Birmingham Library is a university library that houses all genres of academic materials from sciences to humanities, with the population of the student’s numbers increasing every academic intake (Krol 2010, p.38). There is urgent need then to ensure that some of the services that are currently offered physically in the library are decentralized so that students can have access to the information even without visiting the library premises (Lazer, William, and Eugene 2006, p.20). This proposed idea is supposed to use online library services to enable students to access online books using their tablets, lap top computers, and phone while they are outside that university l ibrary (Kotler and Nancy 2008, p.16). This development will not only help in decongesting the library that is currently receiving high level of traffic movement of students but will also be useful in serving the student’s convenience of using library services in various places including within the hostel without having to move into the library (Burcher 2012, p.19). The university thus wants to use social marketing as a way of advising the students on the available options of accessing the library services without having to borrow physical books (Penford, 2011: p. 37). This is deemed to be of social good to the student as they will have the books in soft copy and can use them anytime without having to visit the library every time. On the other hand, the university will also benefit in the sense that they will be able to accommodate the needs of all the students because only those students who want to engage in those issues that cannot be done outside the library will be in at any particular time. The university will also mitigate on the losses that are realized when textbooks are borrowed by the students from the library (Sarki, 2006: p. 12). This move will be highly beneficial to the student’s body and they should be advised to explore this option through social marketing

Negotiations - Hypothetical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Negotiations - Hypothetical Analysis - Essay Example Jonathan Brown, and he therefore, is not interested in joining issues with him publicly. He desires that the deliberations be kept absolutely confidential. The hiring policy as envisaged and implemented by Mr. Brown is ideal as per his philosophy but he is out of step with the demands of the time. Mr. Brown’s convictions are right according to him, he has given a sterling medical institution to the public, he is taking care of his staff well, he has no trade union problems, the salaries and perquisites which his staff is paid is significantly higher than what is prevalent in the industry, he treats the staff very well and they adore him as a noble person, and the single point agenda of the Mayor of Boston is proportional representation of the female doctors in the hiring committee. 2. What kind of negotiator is on the other side? The negotiator on the other side is a politician, the Mayor of the city of Boston. Building one’s own power castle is the primary agenda of a politician, there could be rarest of the rare exceptions. By showing his concern for empowering women, he is playing to the gallery. The women employees of the hospital are happy with the administration of Mr. Brown and they are treated very well and get one of the best pay packets in the industry. The negotiator must be having some political compulsions and his desire to discuss the issue with Mr. Brown in confidence indicates that his intentions are not totally insincere. He feels that it is a policy issue and as the Mayor of the city, it is his duty to set right the things. 3. What are your interests? My interests are simple and straightforward. I have been pursuing this policy successfully for the past 35 years. I have no grudge against the womenfolk, absolutely nothing! What I pursue is the principles of the science of ergonomics—finding proper individuals for the proper assignments. I am convinced that women make good nurses, temperamentally they are suitable for that p ost, and I also believe that they make good doctors as well. But there are realistic problems in summoning them to the hospitals in case of emergencies, as women have the primary responsibilities at home. In the overall scheme of administration as envisaged by me, I do not intend to offer them the position of doctors. 4. What are your counterpart’s interests? His concern for the welfare and rights of women seems to be superficial in the present case. He is just counting his votes, and by raising a women-related issue, he is appealing to their emotions with the ultimate aim of converting the sympathy wave into votes. He is visualizing a formidable vote-bank in women and he is planning to turn the tide in his favor. But he is also aware of raking the issues against a reputed hospital, where the presence of the women in the hiring committee is about 16%. (male11, female 2) 5. Who will prepare the agenda and what will the agenda cover? Both the parties to the discussion are seize d about the issue. It seems to be just a one point agenda. A formal agenda has not been circulated either from the side of Mr. Brown or from the side of the Mayor. The discussions will be of a confidential nature, as desired by the Mayor. This shows that the Mayor has some reservations in the back of his mind, and therefore he is insisting for a one to one

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing in Practice - Essay Example Research was done that indicated the student’s use of the online digital library and the data collected showed that many students are not actually using the services of the library and this impairs reaching the objectives of the plan. This report thus gives an in-depth account of social marketing theory and the related secondary materials that were used to understand the situation of the Birmingham library. With reference to this, appropriate objective and recommendation are given in this report to ensure that the students adopt the new provision as expected by the university; it is to be achieved using social marketing for behaviour change (Weinreich 2011, p.45). Action plan for the implementation of the recommendation is also given as well as the controls of the same program in Birmingham library. Introduction The tradition and role of social marketing is to ensure that marketing is applied together with other concepts and techniques that will culminate into the social good of the targeted group of people (Alder 2010, p.24). The difference between social marketing and commercial marketing should thus be palpable, in social marketing; the driving agenda is not finances as the case with commercial marketing, they tend skew their interest to pursue social good (Pintado, 2007: p. 32). Birmingham Library is a university library that houses all genres of academic materials from sciences to humanities, with the population of the student’s numbers increasing every academic intake (Krol 2010, p.38). There is urgent need then to ensure that some of the services that are currently offered physically in the library are decentralized so that students can have access to the information even without visiting the library premises (Lazer, William, and Eugene 2006, p.20). This proposed idea is supposed to use online library services to enable students to access online books using their tablets, lap top computers, and phone while they are outside that university l ibrary (Kotler and Nancy 2008, p.16). This development will not only help in decongesting the library that is currently receiving high level of traffic movement of students but will also be useful in serving the student’s convenience of using library services in various places including within the hostel without having to move into the library (Burcher 2012, p.19). The university thus wants to use social marketing as a way of advising the students on the available options of accessing the library services without having to borrow physical books (Penford, 2011: p. 37). This is deemed to be of social good to the student as they will have the books in soft copy and can use them anytime without having to visit the library every time. On the other hand, the university will also benefit in the sense that they will be able to accommodate the needs of all the students because only those students who want to engage in those issues that cannot be done outside the library will be in at any particular time. The university will also mitigate on the losses that are realized when textbooks are borrowed by the students from the library (Sarki, 2006: p. 12). This move will be highly beneficial to the student’s body and they should be advised to explore this option through social marketing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Global Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global Marketing Strategy - Essay Example As a result, most housing industries have been on the rise. This has also attracted growth in the transport sector and computer systems. Most of the industries in this sector opt not to use market-oriented approach. According to Walker and Mullins, the competitive nature of the environment does not necessitate ultra sensitivity of the needs of the buyers. However, these companies have mastered the economic needs of customers and are moving speedily to address them. They have identified a growing need for assets as the vital driving force for consumer appetite. They have also dealt with the long-term consumer needs and are working on pricing structures and increasing consumer demands. Companies like The Home Depot are known to have adopted that approach. The automobile manufacturers have increased sales by having to re-look at the global trends and the changing consumer demands and the economic conditions in key target markets. According to Morningstar, poor mid to long-term performan ce strategy can cost companies if not well handled. A good casing point is the Nissan Company compared to the general motors. Market positioning is essential when it comes to long-term consumer strategies and brand differentiation (Walker&Orville, 2011). General motors’ have made its reputation in conducting research on consumer needs and attitudes with helps them in developing products that are appealing to consumers (Bartlett & Wozny, 2005). Nissan is accused of not coming up with differentiated products that do not stand out. This is due to inadequate through market research when it comes to consumer needs. Successful marketing is known to affect organizational productivity directly. This necessitates companies to take... This paper proclaims that the growing global marketing strategy demands that the next generation of organizational leaders get employees who have a large knowledgebase. Organizations are looking for a multiplicity of talents and experience. Such a workforce is known to maximize productivity and minimize organizational costs. The new global marketing strategy demands the employees engage in critical thinking and take up their roles with passion and understanding. Organizations have taken to training workers with an aim of enhancing leadership skills and innovation. However, training alone is inadequate. Employees must be directly involved in decision making, in the own portfolios. They must become part of the solutions to the organizational challengers through employee participation in the leadership process. In conclusion, the paper aproves that the modern day aspect of managing market and strategy calls for stakeholder engagement and long-term strategy in marketing. The new market myopic of viewing the customer as mere short term consumer is changing fast. The consumer must be viewed as a member of the global society who has complex needs and long term targets. Organizations have begun paying close attention to research based on culture and consumer perception to avoid imposing consumer needs. The link between the roles of stakeholders in marketing organizational products is being addressed. The global market place has shifted radically, and it demands the use of both conventional and unconventional marketing strategies to address the challenge of appealing to and satisfying modern, empowered consumers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Districts of Dickens London Essay Example for Free

Districts of Dickens London Essay Charles Dickens was born on Friday 7th February 1812 at Portsmouth. His father John Dickens continually living beyond his means and then was finally imprisoned in 1824. 12 year old Charles was removed from school and sent to work in a factory the most terrible period of his life, this child hood poverty and adversity influenced dickens later views on social reform in a country in the throes of the industrial revolution. In the Victorian age queen Victoria was on the throne and reigned over an empire, we were seen as very strong and powerful. All the British people became very arrogant and we thought we were more superior to the rest of the world. In the workhouse north of London a young woman who has arrived in an exhausted conditions gives birth to a boy, and dies. Looked after over by the ill-natured Mrs Corney. Mr bumble, transfers him aged nine to the workhouse itself and he is set to work picking oakum. When Oliver causes some trouble by asking for some more food the authorities decide to put Oliver into the trade. He becomes apprenticed to Sowerberry, an undertaker. Another apprentice Noah Claypole insults Olivers dead mother, Oliver attacks him and is cruelly punished by the Sowerberrys. He runs away to London, and in Barnet he meets with a boy thief, Jack Dawkins, The Artful Dodger, a member of a pickpocket gang run by Fagin, a Jew. Oliver is horrified to see them pick pocket of an old gentleman, Mr Brownlow, at a book stall, runs away, and is captured and taken before a magistrates but the bookstall keeper has seen the true robbers. Oliver is taken to MR Brownlows house in Pentonville, where the housekeeper, Mrs Bedwin, nurses him through an illness. He is treated with kindness and affection for the first time in his life and is delighted. But Fagin plots to recapture him. He engages Bill Sikes, a brutal robber, and Nancy, his mistress, also a member of the gang, to bring Oliver back. Sikes takes Oliver by night to Chertsey to carry out a robbery on the house of a Mrs Maylie. When the alarm is given Sikes takes fright and escapes, and Oliver is shot and wounded. Mrs Maylie and her adopted niece, Rose, takes him in, and he settles with them, becoming a house hold favourite. Rose gets a serious illness. Mrs Maylies son, Harry arrives on her recovery and begs her to marry him. She refuses. During his good life with the maylies, Oliver catches glimpses of MONKS a sinister man who works with Fagin to try and recapture him. Nancy tells rose about Fagins and Monks conspiracy. Sikes, maddened by Nancys supposed treachery, rushes back to his own room, awakens her from sleep and clubs her to death. A police raid in which Fagin was arrested. Sikes attempts to escape across the roofs but falls and dies. Oliver returns to Mr Brownlow. Monks, otherwise Edward Leeford, is Olivers half brother. The provisions of fathers will leave money to Oliver on conditions that he maintains a spotless reputations, and for this reasons Monks has tried to keep the boy in Fagins gang in order to discredit him. Mr Brownlow then adopts Oliver. The structure of Oliver Twist is full of highs and lows because of the sequence of cliffhangers. The structure of the novel makes it more intriguing when Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist They were published in instalments, the effect of this made the novel more compelling and made the reader crave for more. The instalments lead to recaps to tie in the events, and the chapter titles worked as a summary of what was going to materialize in each chapter. Dickens narrative technique is known as the third person. The third person uses a narrator who watches over events, this helps Dickens to deepen the emotions for Oliver because he can describe everything that happens to him. London was seen as the place for work, money and dreams. But there was also a considerable high amount of poverty and hardship, Olivers grievance began in the workhouse and later having to thieve for Fagin in return for shelter and food. Crime doesnt pay, but crime was quite common because of the amount of adversity. Good triumphs over evil, Fagin, Bill Sikes and Monks are immoral and corrupt. Mr Brownlow Rose Maylie and Nancy were the trustworthy honest citizens. The moral of the the novel shows Fagin being tried and executed for his crimes, Bill Sikes was hunted down and he hung him self trying to escape from the law. Monks confessed to trying to discredit Oliver and has to sign over Olivers inheritance. This proves that crime doesnt pay! The London setting in Oliver Twist has distinct wealthy and deprived areas. Kennels over flowing, the noise of traffic increasing as you get nearer to the heart and the roads nearly ankle deep with filth and mire, are just some of the problems facing the poorer, slum districts of Dickens London. London is very important in the novel because Dickens uses the every day reality he witnessed to make a social comment about the rich and the poor areas. London is also viewed as a big adventure to the young Oliver and yet in Londons criminal world, dirty deeds take place in the dark, gloomy, dismal surroundings that Dickens describes and it is here in this place of dirty squalor that where all the bad behaviour fits. London is the key, which changes Oliver. His dark and bleak emotions match the locations and this is because of the grim surroundings. The cold, wet shelter less midnight streets of London is meant to make the reader feel depressed and sorry for Oliver and show you the reality of London. As Dickens saw it. The historical and cultural text of the novel tells the reader about the miserable reality. Dickens knew that many of his readers had a lack of sense of humour you can tell this by the way Dickens wrote because he included scenes of reality rather than humorous clips. Original readers would of reacted strongly to the setting and some found the descriptions unpleasant and too detailed. The links between crime and poverty are that in many cases people have to steel to live. Dickens showed the injustice between the wealthy and the poor, and how the poor were badly treated and living in slum housing Dickens also responded to this by saying that crime really does exists such as Jack Dawkins, Fagin, and Bill Sikes should be painted in all their wretchedness, in all their deformity and in all their squalid misery of their lives, to show them as they really are, for ever skulking uneasily through the dirtiest paths of life. When Oliver was young he lived in a workhouse, it was an extremely appalling and uncompromising place. The staff that ran the institute were ruthless, threatening and harsh. They treated the inmates badly and inadequately. They worked long hours, with little poor quality food. The staffs were more often than not corrupt eating and drinking luxuriously whilst the inmates starve.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Managing the individual performance within organisations

Managing the individual performance within organisations Managing individual performance in organisations has focused on estimating performance and distributing reward, with effective performance which is seen as a result of interaction between individual ability and motivation. By and large, it is recognised that planning and enabling performance have a critical effect on individual performance. Managers use several techniques to find out performance and effort of employees. Performance appraisal is process which is taken by managers to review performance and formalize it. Performance management has critical effect on individual performance and in this case also on company goals. In this part of assignment performance appraisal and performance related pay will be described in depth. Pay Strategy Provide market competitive compensation that incorporates both salary and non-salary benefits, such as healthcare, retirement, life insurance, disability insurance, annual and sick leave, and other optional benefits. To assist in the administration of compensation plans, most organizations utilize some type of formal pay structure.   A formal pay structure provides the framework and formal structure for assessing jobs and grouping similar jobs together.  Ã‚  Factors used in grouping jobs within a pay structure often include: Complexity Responsibility Level of Suspension Accountability Organisational impact Market Value The two most common forms of pay structures are Grades and Bands.  Ã‚  The distance between the minimum and maximum of a pay range is called the range spread.   Grades typically have very narrow range spreads, while  Bands have very broad range spreads.   This has led to the commonly used term of broadband to describe the range of pay rates within a structure using a band approach. ( compmgt/comp_philosophy/index.html) For those employees who were with Virginia Tech around 1999 2000, you may remember when the state switched from pay grades to pay bands.   Unlike the old pay grade system where an increase in responsibilities often meant a promotion to the next pay grade, pay bands represent a much broader range of different types of jobs and levels of responsibility.   As you can see in the illustration below, in a grade system Job A and Job B are in different pay grades.  Ã‚  However, in pay band system such as we currently have at Virginia Tech, Job  A and Job B are in the same pay band.   Please notice however that even though the pay band is the same, there is still a significant difference in the target salary level due to the differences in the level of responsibility and job content of the two jobs. ( compmgt/comp_philosophy/index.html) The key points here are: Its not necessary to be moved from one band to another in order to receive a significant salary increase and Just because two positions have different levels of responsibility/complexity/etc, does not necessarily mean that they should be different pay brands. Figure 2. Pay Structure Grades and Bands Performance appraisal Robert Bacal, Performance Management A Briefcase Book, (1999, p.12) tells Performance appraisal is usually considered to be the process and time when manager and employee sit down to review the employees performance over the last year, or month, or even shorter time spans. Most of the time people think of it as a once a year event, which is a recipe for disaster. Traditionally performance appraisal systems have provided a formalised process to review employee performance. This normally requires the manager and employee to take part in a performance review meeting. Why Should You Appraise Performance According to Dessler and Walker (1999, p.452) there are several reasons to appraise performance. First, appraisals provide information upon which promotion and salary decisions can be made. Second, they provide an opportunity for you and your subordinate to review the subordinates work-related behaviour. This in turn lets both of you develop a plan for correcting any deficiencies the appraisal might unearth, and reinforce the things the subordinate does right. Finally, the appraisal should be central to your companys career plan because it provides a good opportunity to review employees` career plans in light of their exhibited strengths and weaknesses. Performance Appraisal System flow In performance appraisal meetings, several of methods are used to document, or record, or summarize performance discussions, rating scales, critical incident summaries, etc. All these methods are gathered and processed by similar system flow. P.A Handbook (1995, p.8) describes performance appraisal system flow: Planning Developing Employee Performance Appraisal Plans (EPAP) Elements Standards (Benchmark Performance Standards) Employee Participation Documenting Elements and Standards Monitoring Feedback during the Performance Year Progress Reviews Developing Employees Formal Development Informal Development Rating Eligibility Interim Appraisals Rating Critical Elements Rating of Record Discussion with Employee Reconsideration Process Action Based on Performance Rewarding Performance Links to Other Personnel Actions Dealing with Poor Performance Figure 1. The Performance Appraisal Cycle (John Shields, 2007, p: 23, Managing employee performance and reward) As seem above performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance and feed into business planning. Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading reviews, which commonly also happen at the same time the business planning for the next trading year. Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning, staff motivation, attitude and behavior development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims and encouraging positive relationships between management and staff. Goals of the Performance Appraisal System According to Beer, Russell and Ralph (1995, 23) the process of performance management is one of the most important leadership responsibilities. The performance appraisal system has three primary goals: Provide a helpful structure, open and honest communication between the employee and his/her supervisor Improve employee development through performance feedback and through the identification of future professional development activities Measure and document job performance as a basis for making promotion, compensation and other personnel management decisions Dessler (2006, p.336) Managing employee performance is an integral part of the work that all managers and rating officials perform throughout the year. It is as important as managing financial resources and program outcomes because employee performance has an extreme effect on both the financial and program components of any organization. Beer, Russell and Ralph (1994, p.24) the effectiveness of appraisal systems hinges on a range of different factors. Three most common reasons for failure of an appraisal system are: Unclear performance criteria Poor information sharing and connection with the boss Appraiser missing information on the managers real performance Other problems are a lack of ongoing performance feedback, a lack of focus on management development, the review process lacking structure, etc. According to Claydon and Beardwell (2007, p.511) The purpose of performance planning, review and appraisal need to be made clear if employees at all levels in the organization are to play an active part in the process. It is possible that some employees and line managers may meet performance appraisal schemes with distrust, suspicion and fear, but an integrated effective process can lead to increased organizational performance and employee motivation. It is important for employees to be genuinely involved in the design of an appraisal scheme, the evaluation of performance, and the objective-setting process. An appraisal scheme should be set up in an atmosphere of openness, with agreement between management, employees and employee representatives on the design of the scheme. Employees need to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the process. However applying performance appraisal its own is not really worthy. Other performance management systems and performance appraisal systems should put in practice as a whole. Robert Bacal , Performance Management A Briefcase Book,(1999, p. 34) Pay for Performance Coy (2009, p.S7) in challenging economies it is believed that keeping employees happy is essential for organizations performance. To do this, tying employees` pay to their performance is widely popular. Indeed, with the emphasis on competitiveness, productivity, and the trend for virtually all employers is to tie at least some portion of their employees` pay to employees` and companys performance. In most theoretical models of HRM, pay is essential on the regulation of the employment relationship. Academician, policy makers, and corporate leaders recognize the difficulty of appraising the use of reward systems as a key element in the pursuit of substantive HRM goals of obligation, flexibility and quality. Pay for performance is a tool which HR professionals can wield in an effort to retain their best. When it is carefully applied, pay for performance systems can systematically link with employee goal achievement, providing very specific incentives for employee behavior that are in line with broader organizational objectives.(Bratton and Gold, 2007, p:238) Figure 3. A Model of Reward Management (Bratton and Gold, 2001, p:246) Advantages of PFP It is not difficult to see why PFP has attracted the interest of managers, consultants and government ministers. Bratton and Gold (2007, p.455) describes its theoretical attractions are considerable and include the following reasons: Attracting good performance Hewlett-Packard (Case study 1) In the early 90s, Hewlett-Packard seemed a perfect setting for innovations in pay. A so-called built-to-last company, it was highly decentralized and enjoyed a sense of mutual trust, high commitment, and wide use of management by objectives. The workforce was salaried and the merit system was based on peer comparisons at the salaried level. There were no executive bonuses. Stock options were awarded as recognition. But there was also a lot of pressure in the company, said Beer. Managers of thirteen units took the initiative of appealing to headquarters to try something new to spur on their employees. According to Beer, managers in many companies look to pay-for-performance for good reasons. They expect that it will attract and motivate people. They expect performance standards will outweigh the costs of whatever incentives they put in place. They also want protection against business exigencies: should the market go south, they dont want to be permanent ly stuck with new costs. (Lagace, 2003) Increasing in quality individual performance McDonalds (Case study 2) Base pay, rewards pay, and rewards program follows as Pay For Performance its the best results and great opportunities pay. Employees base pay is the most portion of their compensation. McDonalds sustain the competitiveness of their base pay through an annual review from both external market data and internal peer data. Moreover, they have a broadbanding compensation system that allows for flexibility in term of pay, movement and growth. In addition, incentive pay provides to their employees with the opportunity to earn compensation when their performance meet and exceed goals. The long term of incentives are granted to eligible employees to both reward and retain key employees who have shown sustained performance and can impact long term value creation at McDonalds. ( Enhancing communication BMW (Case study 3) In 2001, the new bonus payment arrangement applied for production employees in the Germany and UK operations. The bonus system applied to all 36,000 production employees who operated with defined performance targets. On top of the basic salary a fixed 25% additional bonus was paid to all employees for meeting prearranged quotas. This quota involved producing a set number of units to the companys quality standards by a workforce of an agreed size. Employees in each group were consulted and invited to comment on whether the quotas that were realistic and achievable. In addition, employees could also earn extra pay through a personal supplement, that was payable if an individual contributed to the group results. Expectations and specific goals were discussed and agreed in talks between the employee and the supervisor. Thus, an individuals contribution to the group was discussed every year and this assessment determined the personal supplement received. (Boddy. 1998 P. 283) Improving motivation The Christmas bonus at Gourmet Foods (Case study 4) for many years that Gourmet Foods never have Christmas bonus when Andrew Straw appointed as a managing director, he decided to give  £70 extra for Christmas bonus to all 120 staffs. When they heard the news everyone is very excited and looking forward to it without knowing of the amount of the bonus. After they got the pay slips they very disappointed because they feel it is too small. When their managing director found out about this he wish he did not give it to them and turn it into new packaging equipment instead.  . (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005, Page 218) Strengthening management control Entre Computer Services (Case study 5) Entre Computer Services founded by Ed Souders in 1980s. Souders is a former worker of IBM so he adopted many methods from it including appraisal, pay-for-performance, and sales incentives. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, his business was falling down and almost faced bankruptcy. He decided to make some changes. Using the Deming philosophy along with new strategies can improve sale performances and profits. He created trusting and working relationship. Encouraged more teamwork and less self driven so that his workers gain more passion and happiness toward their job. There are 4 main goals of this method: Ensure maximum productivity of the Support Team. Ensure the Personal Development of the Support Team. Ensure that Support Team members understand what their job responsibilities are. Ensure employees are as happy as they could possibly be while at work. (Mary Jenkins, 2002, p.176-178) Identifying developmental objects Strengthening the individual employment relationship at the expense of collective Gainsharing at Southern California Edison (SCE) (Case study 6) In 1994, electricity industry was removed from government control. That made the market more competitive. Therefore, SCE needed to change its compensation for competition. The change was the introduction of a Gainsharing arrangement. Employees were invited to sacrifice 5% of their basic salaries in return for up to 10% gainshare if the organization reaches profits targets. 100% of employees agreed to the plan. Most of them tried to create ideas to save money. For instance, employees agreed to wash their own overalls. The outcome was that the scheme generated an estimate $96 million and $40 million was paid out to employees. More important, the scheme played its part in getting employees focused on what was important in working cost-effectively and being involved in designing effective working methods. (Stredwick, 2005 P.355-356) Rewarding employees without needing to promote them. The Jennings Ford Accident Repair Centre (Case study 7) In the early 1890s Jennings main hobby was repairing and trading bicycles, moving into premises opposite the old Bridge Street showroom for sale of motorcars employing 6 people in 1911. The company, by meeting Ford Motor Companys exacting standards, was appointed an authorized dealer for Ford Motor Cars in 1917. The Jennings Ford Accident Repair Centre in Gateshead has received a reward from Ford Motor Company. Continuing to achieve and improve sales within the centre at the Eslington Park dealership has resulted in a reward for Jennings loyal and dedicated centre manger. The manager said They constantly strive to provide the best possible service to their customer and they are always looking at the ways how to future improve internal systems and procedures. ( ) Drawbacks of PFP Most of us are happy to see individuals rewarded for exceptional performance or effort and would like payment decisions to be based on such criteria. The problem arises when attempts are made to put the principles in practice. Wiscombe (2001) says that a system which is fair and objective in theory can easily fail to achieve when implemented. Arguing that PFP can have a role to play in organizations, but its positive effects are limited. Moreover, while not fundamentally flawed. PFP is difficult to implement effectively in practice. As a result, system fails as often as they succeed. The major reasons of failures are: Employees concentrate on their salary and bonuses instead of their jobs. Most of the staff is demotivated when they are told their ratings. Gallery Furniture Company (Case study 8) Jim Mclngvale, the owner-President of Gallery Furniture Company applied Dr. Demings advice to his business. In 1991, he took commissions, bonuses, and incentives of his sale persons but put it in to their salaries instead. These amazingly increase sales, profits and customer satisfactions; however, some sales people left the company because of disappointments but it still benefit the business in the long run. He also took the appraisal system off because he believes that his employees are not students. He treats his workers with respects and they do the same toward him.  (Mary Jenkins, 2002, p.170-171) People focus on their own objectives instead of cooperation with colleagues. Some managers change ratings for political reasons. When the results have an impact on pay levels, employees tend to downplay their weakness. As a result development needs are not discussed or addressed. Managers avoid demotivating their staff. As a result poor performers are reward as well as good performers. Homeserve Ltd: The new performance bonus (Case study 9) Jean Frear got a new job at Homeserve Ltd as the HR director. She tried to use new bonus payment method which she think it worked very well at her previous job, the Moddens Food. Normally, the engineers work on Mon to Fri and will get better overtime rate if they work on Sat and Sun. To make it more competitive, she cut the premium overtime rates for Sat and Sun also the evening delivery then based on working hours only. After one year of this experiment, she got the result. The number of the calls from customers is increase about missing parts of the hardware. Overall salary bill is higher than ever but the performance is going the opposite way. She found that the engineers tend to work only for their shifts and hardly willing substitute for the others on holidays or sick leave. (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005, page 222-223) PFP systems tend to discourage creative thinking, challenging of established ways of doing things and questioning attitude among employees. Low income often leads managers to reduce ratings, creating a situation in which perfect employee performance is not rewarded. Pay strategy at Eastern Power plc (Case study 10) At Eastern Power plc, they use the Pay for Performance method to calculate employees salary. To make it convenient, it will be decided by senior managements. After 2 years, this method has been complained as an unfair system by most of the employees. According to the line managements, they reported that they had no idea how to improve their performance because the method is unclear. (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005, Page 215) A general tendency is the increasing number of organizations where total compensation contains a part depending on performance. According to the consultation firm Hewitt Associates, 50% of the firms used pay-for-performance in 1990, and in 2000 already 80% (Wiscombe 2001). An analogous tendency is also witnessed in Estonia. According to the salary survey conducted by the consultation firm Fontes in 2005, compensation policies of 91% of the firms in the survey include some kind of pay-for-performance. Opinions about the effectiveness of pay-for-performance are different. The survey conducted by the Hewitt Associates in 2000 suggested that even these enterprises which have used the pay-for-performance system do not completely believe in its effectiveness: 21% of the firms said they do not believe its effect on improving work performance; 57% believed the effect was limited. A study conducted by the same firm in 1995 indicated that the pay-for-performance system had failed in 48% of the organizations (Wiscombe 2001, www.HYPERLINK Results of other surveys confirm the success of using pay-for-performance. An analysis of pay-for-performance programmes conducted in the USA in the second half of 1990s suggests that performance improves in approximately two out of three programs (Heneman, Ledford, and Gresham 2000). There are various reasons for the contradictory opinions and results. One may be definitely different methods which are used, differences in business sector, lack of clarity of concepts used by researches. On the other hand, it can be assumed that application of pay-for-performance and its results can only be opposing because the creating, implementation of the respective system and assessment of the results must often link conflicting interests of different stakeholders. Other Case Studies Tele-working at the Mid Western Bank For The Mid Western Bank the Individual Performance is believed to be the best way to rate their staffs bonus payments. To make sure of this conclusion they set 4 aspects which are correctness, attendance levels, cooperation (which includes teamwork) and communication skills to confirm it. By making everyone concentrate on only their job, for the top performance employee can have 25 percents of their pay. Unfortunately, this result can be applied effectively with call centre staffs a competitive labour market. The other concern is that this method encourage employee to be more selfish and lost interest in helping the others and the absenteeism is also rising even though it will be effect the rating. (Leopold, Harris and Watson, 2005, Page 234) Nucor Corporation, United States Nucor Corporation, the largest steel producer in the United States. The secret to success is to give huge bonuses of 100% or even 150% to 160%, thus, every employee can see how the incentive arrangement affects their wages each week. Even in the down times, the company doesnt lay people off. Such as, the plant shuts down its production lines for a day or two a week but salaried executives still work. About 80% of Nucors employees are on this production-incentive plan. Other employees also have performance-based compensation. When the whole organization is involved: To make it work, the most important thing is the involvement of the whole company, even if there is only a 1 percent profit, it should be divided among everyone, including the administration. Everyone is part of the team building. For instance, gives non-production employees other awards -from a free dinners for outstanding work to one share of stock for every year of employment. ( Health Net of California Health Net of California announced that was paying $18 million to 70 physician groups statewide in recognition of their efficiency and quality in 2004. Of the total, $5 million was tied for the Pay for Performance program, which rewards physician groups for providing high-quality clinical care and customer service. In addition, Health Net is working with through the Integrated Healthcare Association to make wider the potential of Pay for Performance quality measures and increase the proportion of compensation for physician groups that present a commitment to quality and efficiency. PFP bonuses were paid to Health Nets commercial physician groups. The other quality disbursements, which are paid to commercial and Medicare physician groups, include shared-risk funds, financial investments in technology and a generic drug incentive program. ( Abbey National Alan Eagles role as Assistant Manager of the Abbey National Community Partnership is to identify opportunities for staff who want to volunteer. He run a matched time scheme where staff can claim up to 35 hours of paid work time per year to match their own volunteering time commitment. Why would a banker necessarily want to be a treasurer in their spare time? Employee volunteers are like any other volunteers they need to feel that their contribution is worth it. To ensure this, organizations need to offer volunteer roles that are properly thought out. They believe that an employee who volunteers can specify personal objectives for community activities, as well as work related goals, in their annual appraisal. If they achieve those goals they are financially rewarded. ( The Royal Bank of Scotland In 1998, the company launched RBSelect that is a total reward benefits package giving employees. The package is divided into six groups: private health cover; insurance, including life assurances for spouses and partners; saving such as voluntary contribution to pension schemes; lifestyle features, which include the managers company car, childcare vouchers and retail voucher; basic salary; and holiday. Even the Christmas bonus can be traded in for a different benefit. Employees can change their benefits package once a year. The new total reward system has been positively received and is expected to have a positive impact on recruitment and retention. (Boddy, 1998 P.282-283) The National Security Personnel System Nearly all of the employees in the Defense Departments new personnel system were rewarded for their job performance in their first paychecks in 2009, with the average pay raise and bonus totaling 8.35%. 98% of the more than 170,000 employees rated under the National Security Personnel System received performance-based payout, meaning their supervisors graded their work as a 3 or better out of 5 possible points. The majority of those employees 55.4% earned a rating of 3, defining them as valued performers. Worker in the Washington area received the highest overall increase of the General Schedule employees, at 4.78%. General Schedule employees have earnings potential beyond their annual raise, while under NSPS, within-grade pay boosts, quality step increase and bonuses are factored into the overall performance-based pay increase. ( Lloyds TSB STAFF at Lloyds Banking Group is set to get about pounds 80min bonuses despite amulti-billion pound bailout from the taxpayer. The payments were apparently authorized by the Government as part of the deal for it to take a controlling interest of at least 65% in the firm. The figure is lower than the pounds 120m Lloyds bosses were thought to be seeking, but will still provoke controversy over rewards for failure. Newspaper reports suggested that some 4,000 junior staff will each get about pounds 1,000 this year, making up half the pay-out. Unions have argued that staff from the former Lloyds TSB deserve to receive bonuses, because their side of the business remained in profit while its merger partner HBOS lost billions of pounds. A spokesman for Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Lloyds had agreed that there would be no discretionary bonuses paid in 2009 except to the most junior staff, earning an average of pounds 20,000. ( General Motors-Powertrain Division In the mid 1980s, GMs sale was going down dramatically and looks to be continued for some times. On contrary, new Japanese company was booming. Behind their success GM found that they used Dr. W. Edwards Demings rules. After trying this method for one year GM Powertrains H.R. staffs agree that appraisal system has some flaws. (Mary Jenkins, 2002, p.148) Strategic approach to rewarding performance at Unilever At Unilever, to improve its employees performance and cut off unnecessary pay the manager created the model proved to be effective as global called Work Levels. With six levels of qualitatively different work in the company use to encourage people to work as a team instead of oneself. Predictably, many workers complained at the beginning but years after years it became clear that the method benefits both employees and the company. (Duncan Brown, Michael Armstrong, 1999, p.92-95) Conclusion The organizations having job evaluation in practice, are determined the causes of pay inequity through the carefully implementation of pay design that is based on base pay structure. A tentative effort to introduce this discrete and coherent function is required to carry out the comprehensive review. There must be a system of inequity recognition through the organization achieves its smart objectives and vital to prioritize the analysis which are very likely to enlighten on any potential inequities. It is a management tool that asserts the jobs of comparable value are treated and paid equally and emphasizes to estimate the size of inequity. Nevertheless, change in the pay system in any organization can be resistive. It can be suspected among the employee in term of pay changes, apparently. The purpose of pay system design should not be decrease or cut the employees pay rather than fixing the inequity within the organization and taking all the relative perspective into account before the implementation of the required method. To make it constructive, expert facilitation of job design team can be useful to ensure that safe and sound primary principles are going to be followed while the organization gets its cherished goals. In addition, where it eliminates many flaws in term of analysing the jobs worth but also effectively productive with the employers perspective. This method can be typically undertaken by the employers to prevent them from prejudice or discrimination and to establish a platform where everyone has got equal opportunity to build up their career. No doubt, it enhances and defines an appropriate and decisive track for any organization practicing this feasible method that can be comp

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Violence in Literature Essay -- Violence Blood Violent Movie Literatur

Violence in Literature â€Å"I’m taking you to the bank, Senator Trent. To the blood bank.† This line is spoken by a character played by Steven Segal in the movie Hard to Kill, a movie remarkably similar to every other motion picture Segal has ever touched, and depressingly reflective of a larger cultural trend. In Segal’s movies, characters with names like â€Å"Orin Boyd† and â€Å"Nico Toscani† boast body counts and a shared insatiable thirst for vengeance. Death becomes a prop employed to dispatch central characters, and a cycle of one-upmanship ensues – we saw Segal rip someone’s throat out in Under Siege, so the next movie has to be more ridiculous in its sheer level of violence to be marketable. In 1999, it came as no real shock to viewers when Segal’s character stabbed a Nazi sympathizer in the neck with a broken wine glass. The reality is that technology gives us the means to transmit images and messages of unparalleled intensity, and as we do that, reality is recursively recreated. As artists and media moguls say less, the y attempt to compensate through force, resulting in a constant barrage of deafening sound that amounts to nothing more than noise or visuals so gaudy and exaggerated that the thin shreds of meaning behind them are utterly lost. In this context, death is watered down until it becomes comfortably palpable. Theatres full of families cheer when the hero shoots the bad guy in an action movie, but it never crosses a single mind that a murder has taken place. Viewers wear expressions of smug satisfaction when a crooked lawyer is double-crossed, but the underlying web of lies fazes nobody. In this context, authors have to shout over the noise to communicate the true evils that float between humans. There is no longer ... ...organization in which individually is sacrificed for the sake of an ideal (Nazism, in this case), it’s easy for a smaller group to become victimized. That group is doubly under attack from without and within, and even after the battle is apparently over, they are still losing. The inherent threat in such organizational bodies has to be recognized by humanity and ingrained into the memories of future generations to ensure that these mistakes aren’t repeated. Bringing distressing images and situations the forefront of art isn’t gimmicky, and it isn’t entertaining. It’s indispensable. When punches are held the point is only half-made. Vividly bringing to life the tragedies of the world is the only way in which we can come to understand them with any validity, and understanding these heartrending circumstances is the only means through which we can learn from them.